This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. For users that have run the GST Processor in the previous version of AutoCount Accounting and has use one or both of the following function:
- Imported Goods
- GST on D/O
- GST on Payment
please read the following special note. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
- New Rounding Method functionality.
- Allow to change the date for GST Instant Info.
Special Note
Changes for Imported Goods
Some new column is introduced in this version of AutoCount Accounting in the Payment Voucher for the Imported Goods function. One of the column, named as Custom Assessed Curr. Rate has been added to allow users to key in the currency rate the RMCD used for their assessment of the imported goods as the currency rate used by the RMCD sometimes is not the same as the one used by the user when purchasing the items being imported in. Another 2 columns introduced are the GST Adjustment as well as the Local GST Adjustment column. Due to the addition of the Custom Assessed Curr. Rate column, it is advised that the users that have been using the Imported Goods function to go and check their payment vouchers to ensure that the currency rate used is correct as well as to re-run the GST Processor if there is any changes done to the documents due to the changes done in the new column.
Changes for GST on D/O and GST on Payment
Users that satisfies the following condition:
- have previously run the GST Processor on the previous version and used the GST on D/O
- or GST on Payment function during the run
is required to re-run the GST Processor as there is a major change in the journal document generated by the functions. If the GST Processor document that is being re-run has been committed, please use the Tools->Reset GST Processor function in the AutoCount Accounting Management Studio to reset and allow the re-run to occur.
The reason for the GST Processor re-run is because in the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, the journal entry document created for the GST on D/O and GST on Payment has been using the Output Tax Account for the credit figure. In this version of AutoCount Accounting, the credit account has been changed. For the journal entry created by the GST on Payment, the system will use the Default Sales Account stored in the Tools->Options->GL->Default Accounts. For the journal entry created by the GST on D/O, the system will first use the Account Number specified in the D/O and if the there is no Account Number specified, it will also revert to using the the Default Sales Account stored in the Tools->Options->GL->Default Accounts. As such users have to remember to set the default sales account before running the GST Processor as they might encounter errors if not default sales account is stored in the Default Accounts window.
Improvements Introduced
New Rounding Method functionality.
In the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, 2 different rounding methods are available when doing calculations in the system. The first, known as Old ARAP Rounding Method and the second is known as Whole Document Rounding. This is now changed in this version of AutoCount Accounting.
2 newer rounding methods are introduced in version 1.8.14. The first is Whole Document Rounding version 2 and the second is known as Line by Line Rounding. Before we go into the second version of Whole Document Rounding, I would like to discuss the Line by Line Rounding method.
The Line by Line rounding method is a simple rounding method that applies the rounding in each line of detail before summing the rounded amount to the total of the document. This is different when compared to the Whole Document Rounding in which the rounding is applied only after the total of the document is calculated. The reason for the introduction of this rounding method is due to the fact that other accounting software uses line by line rounding method when generating their documents. This causes our own users who have to either enter or provide documents to the users of the other accounting software to have issues when entering/generating the documents as the rounding mechanism is different between Whole Document Rounding and Line by Line rounding. As such to solve the issues faced by our customers, we introduce the rounding adjustment method to better help with our clients needs. Because of this, if the creditor or debtor of the user is using the Line by Line rounding method in their documents, the AutoCount user can select to assign the rounding method to be applied to the creditor or debtor via the Creditor or Debtor Maintenance. Just navigate to the creditor or debtor of your choice, and navigate to the Others tab and set the Rounding Method option to Line by line rounding.
The newer Whole Document Rounding (version 2) is different when compared to the first version in the sense that, when applying the rounding method on transaction for foreign currency, the first version introduced some inaccuracy when doing the calculation using the standard algorithm used by AutoCount Accounting (for more on the algorithm used, click here) This is due to the fact that when the first version is used, when calculating the Local Amount as well as Local Tax using the algorithm, the sequence of calculation done is first line Local Amount , first line Local Tax, second line Local Amount, second line Local Tax and so on. This causes the carry forward rounding amount of the Local Amount to sometimes move to the Local Tax column causing the inaccuracy to grow as more and more carry forward rounding amount is added into the Local Tax column, which ultimately causes the total for Local Amount and Local Tax to be very different with the total Amount and Tax for the original currency. The image below illustrates this issue:
If you calculate the figures directly the total amount in local currency should have been 27321.67 and not the shown amount of 27321.66 where as the total amount of local tax should have been 1639.29 instead of the 1639.30 calculate by the Whole Document Rounding version 1. Again this is due because the carry forward rounding amount went into the Local Tax figures instead of staying in the Local Amount.
To fix this issue, the 2nd version is introduced in which the sequence of calculation is corrected so that it will calculate all the Local Amount first before moving to the Local Tax amount next. This sequence of calculation should in fact be more accurate when compared to the older Whole Document Rounding method. To change the rounding method use in your document, just go to the Tools->Options->Miscellaneous option and select the type of rounding method in the Default Document Rounding Method as shown below:
Allow to change the date for GST Instant Info.
A new feature is added into the GST Instant Info function that allows the user to change which date period is to be used to generate the GST Instant Info data with. The reason for this addition is to allow users to generate a new GAF when there is an amendment of transaction that affects the accounting side but not on any GST transaction especially for the Ledger part of the GAF file. Another reason for this addition is for the scenario that a Customs Officer request a full year (or any date period) of transaction in the GAF file, the user can just change the date range and generate it via the GST Instant Info window.
Bugs Fixed and Minor Enhancement
Among the newer bugs fixed and minor enhancement introduced in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8 are:
- Enhancement: Allow double click to edit account in Account Maintenance.
- Fix Bug: Fix escape key does not close some dialog in Account Maintenance.
- Enhancement: Allow to use escape key to close GST Instant Info window.
- Enhancement: Add checking of company name, address 1 and phone 1 in Registration Wizard.
- Enhancement: Support calculate unit price from SubTotal option.
- Enhancement: Add Transaxtion ID to Tax Transaction Audit Trail report.
- Enhancement: Add DocNo2, RefNo2, TaxPermitNo, TaxAdjustment, TaxDR, TaxCR, TaxExportCountry, TaxBRNo, TaxBName, TaxRefNo to Import Journal Entry from Excel.
- Enhancement: Add ProjNo and DeptNo columns in Tax Transaction Audit Trail report.
- Fix Bug: Fix amount from Journal Entry is empty bug.
- Enhancement: Add catch OutOfMemoryException for generate GST Processor.
- Enhancement: Add a helpful message in Remote USB Key Setting window to explain to user how to use this function.
- Enhancement: Import Export XML for all POS Maintenance.
- Enhancement: Add SupplierInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax, TaxPermitNo to Import APCN from Excel.
- Enhancement: Add SupplierInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax, TaxPermitNo to Import APDN from Excel.
- Enhancement: Filter By GST Period Date for Unapplied amount ARAP CN in GST Processor.
- Enhancement: Add TaxPermitNo and Tax to Import AP Invoice from Excel.
- Fix Bug: Fix unable to calculate GLDTL when doing imported goods in inclusive tax.
- Enhancement: Add BankChargeTaxType and BankChargeTaxRefNo to Import APPayment from Excel.
- Fix Bug: Fix unable to assign tax rate properly when copy to new document.
- Enhancement: Import Export XML for POS Staff Attendance.
- Fix Bug: Fix bug in detail listing where item package detail option is not correct.
- Enhancement: Add OurInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax and TaxExportCountry to import ARCN from Excel.
- Fix Bug: Fix bug in all sales detail listing where item package detail option is not correct.
- Fix Bug: Fix bug in all purchase detail listing where item package detail option is not correct.
- Enhancement: Add OurInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax and TaxExportCountry to Import ARDN from Excel.
- Enhancement: Add TaxExportCountry and Tax to Import ARInvoice from Excel.
- Enhancement: Add BankChargeTaxType and BankChargeTaxRefNo to Import ARPayment from Excel.
- Enhancement: Add custom assess currency rate for imported goods field.
- Enhancement: Add rounding method for Sales, Purchase, ARAP and GL document.
- Enhancement: Add local tax adjustment for Sales, Purchase, ARAP and GL document.
- Enhancement: Add option for Rounding Method function.
- Enhancement: Add grid column export excel at GST Processor.
- Enhancement: Modify Bank Charge Business Name and Registration Number maximum length.
- Fix Bug: Fix the ‘capacity’ must be greater than zero error in the GST Processor
- Fix Bug: Fix bank charge in PV appearing as double value in the Tax Transaction Listing.
AutoCount Accounting v1.8
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