Saturday, May 16, 2015

AutoCount Accounting Version 1.8.012


This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
  1. GST Instant Info.
  2. GST Support in Bank Charges.
  3. Support display variable length of decimal number.
  4. Support Large Font for Main Menu.
  5. Revamp of Tax Invoice documents.
  6. 5 cents rounding enhancement.
  7. Account Description 2 in Selection lookup edit.
  8. GST Payment via CIMB now properly works.

Improvements Introduced

GST Instant Info

In an effort to provide on demand GST information to the user, AutoCount Accounting introduces the GST Instant Info to allow the user to see their current GST Return status for the next submission. To launch this GST Instant Info, you can press Ctrl-Alt-G or go to GST | GST Instant Info menu.
The GST Instant Info window
The GST Instant Info window
User can have up to the minute information on their GST Return status by changing the refresh interval in the GST Instant Info Setting. This is accessible by clicking on the Setting button.


GST Support in Bank Charges.

A new feature implemented in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8.12 is the GST support for Bank Charges. This function affects the following documents:
  1. A/R Receive Payment
  2. A/R Deposit
  3. A/R Refund
  4. A/R Deposit Refund
  5. A/P Payment
  6. A/P Deposit
  7. A/P Refund
  8. A/P Deposit Refund
  9. Receipt Voucher
  10. Payment Voucher
To use this functionality, you must first set the information for the following 3 fields in the Payment Method Maintenance:
  1. Bank Charge Tax Code: this tax code is always the input tax code for all document and is the default tax code to be used for the Payment Method Bank Charge.
  2. Business Reg. No.: the Bank Registration Number
  3. Business Name: the Bank Name
The Business Reg. No. and Business Name is important for the generation of the GAF file, as such it must not be left blank as it might cause the field in the GAF file to be also blank.
Fill in the 3 new fields to setup the GST support for Bank Charge
Fill in the 3 new fields to setup the GST support for Bank Charge
After setting these information, just create the document you wish and you will see the new columns for Bank Charge. The 2 visible columns are Bank Charge Tax Code which is the tax code in which the Bank Charge is under (again this tax code is always of type input tax) and the Bank Charge Bill No. for GST. The Bank Charge Bill No. for GST column is the column in which you enter the Reference Number of the Bank Charge transaction. This column should also be filled as it is important for the GAF file.

An example of Bank Charge with GST
An example of Bank Charge with GST
There are 2 columns that are hidden for the Bank Charge GST which is Bank Charge Tax and Bank Charge Tax Rate. The Bank Charge Tax is the column in which the tax amount is entered when the calculation is done for the GST on Bank Charge. Since there is no GST adjustment column for Bank Charge, any adjustment can be done on the Bank Charge Tax column to reflect on the GST charged by the bank to the user.

2 new columns hidden in the customization window for the grid
 2 new columns hidden in the customization window for the grid
The Bank Charge Tax column shown with a modification to its value to show that it can be modified for GST adjustment
The Bank Charge Tax column shown with a modification to its value to show that it can be modified for GST adjustment
The following image shows the GST on bank charge in the GAF file generated.

The GAF entry generated for GST on Bank Charge
The GAF entry generated for GST on Bank Charge
The following image shows the GST on bank charge in the Tax Transaction Listing report:

GST on Bank Charge in Tax Transaction Listing
GST on Bank Charge in Tax Transaction Listing


Support display variable length of decimal number.

In the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, decimal figures will always show its full length depending on how many decimal points are set for it. For example, for the currency rate of 2.1, AutoCount Accounting fields will show it as 2.100000 with the default 6 decimal place setting. In version 1.8.12 onward, a new option has been added to allow the system to only display the relevant number without showing all the decimal places. As such, going back to the example before, the currency rate figure will be shown as 2.1 even if the decimal places set is 6. This option to control the display of variable length of decimal number is accessible in the Tools->Options->Decimal setting.
Accessing the new Decimal setting
Accessing the new Decimal setting
By default, 2 of the decimal properties is set to “Display fixed size decimal” which is the decimal properties for Sales and Purchase Unit Price. For the Currency decimal property, this option is not available at all. Enabling the “Display fixed size decimal” option will cause the system to use the previous version functionality (i.e showing 2.100000 as per previous example) for displaying the decimal points, whereas disabling the option will cause the system to use the newer functionality (i.e 2.1 as per previous example) to display the decimal points. This setting applies to both the user interface as well as the reports generated. If you enable/disable the “Display fixed size decimal” option, you may need to use the Clear Cache function to allow the windows to refresh their decimal setting.

The currency rate is shown as 2.1 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2.1 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2.0394 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2.0394 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2 even thought the decimal place is 6
Enabling the fix size decimal option will show the decimal points similar to the previous version
Enabling the fix size decimal option will show the decimal points similar to the previous version


Support Large Font for Main Menu.

In this version of AutoCount Accounting, users using a high resolution monitor can now customize the main menu to use large font. To enable this feature, navigate to Tools->Customize Main Menu and enable the “Use Large Font Size in Menu Font” option. The user can also increase the gap between menus by increasing the Menu Gap figure. The Menu Gap is current defaulted to 4 (the lowest setting) and the highest it can go is 8.

Accessing Configure Main Menu
Accessing Configure Main Menu
Enable the option so that Large Fonts would be use
Enable the option so that Large Fonts would be use
This is the Main Menu in normal font size
This is the Main Menu in normal font size
This is the Main Menu with Large Font enable
This is the Main Menu with Large Font enable
This is the Main Menu with Large Fonts and level 8 Menu Gap
This is the Main Menu with Large Fonts and level 8 Menu Gap

Revamp of Tax Invoice documents.

For the full explanation on what has been changed in the Tax Invoice, please navigate to the following article: Full & Simplified Tax Invoice: Explanation on changes made and Data binding guide
Other than the changes mentioned in the post linked above, there are 3 new listing report available in the Print Invoice Listing. The first one would be Invoice Listing with Rounding Adjustment. In this report, you will be able see how much rounding adjustment has been applied to your invoices as shown below:
Invoice Listing with Rounding Adjustment
The second listing report available is the Invoice Listing with Tax. This report will list out invoice documents together with the tax amount incurred inside the documents which you can see below:

Invoice Listing with Tax
The third listing report available is the Invoice Tax Listing. Users should not mistake this report with the Invoice Listing with Tax. This report lists out the total amount which is subjected to tax as well as not subjected to tax depending on the tax code of each item.

Invoice Tax Listing


5 cents rounding adjustment enhancement.

There were multiple request from our users for 5 cents rounding adjustment to be available in certain documents and we are happy to announce that we have now enhanced the following documents to have the 5 cents rounding adjustment function available in them. The documents are:
  1. Credit Note
  2. Sales Order
  3. Purchase Invoice
  4. Cash Purchase
  5. Purchase Return
In order to enable the 5 cents rounding adjustment, you have to go to Tools | Options, go to Invoicing category, select 5 Cents Rounding page.

The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The 5 cents rounding option
Disable 5 cents rounding: As the name implied, the 5 cents rounding is disabled for this document.
Enable 5 cents rounding: As the name implied, the 5 cents rounding is enabled for this document, you will see a 5 cents rounding? check edit in the document, and it is by default will be unchecked.
Enforce 5 cents rounding: This option will enable and enforce the 5 cents rounding for the document, and the 5 cents rounding check edit will be by default checked, and users are not allowed to uncheck the check edit unless the user has the access right “Do not enforce 5 cents rounding” in that particular document.
By default, all 5 cents rounding adjustment are disabled, except Invoice and Cash Sale will be in Enforce 5 cents rounding option if it was enabled in previous version.
The following are some screenshots of enable 5 cents rounding option in Credit Note document, and check the 5 cents rounding adjustment.

The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The 5 cents rounding adjustment in the Credit Note document
The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The following is the screenshot of Do not enforce 5 cents rounding access right for Invoice document.

Do not enforce 5 cents rounding access right
Do not enforce 5 cents rounding access right.


Account Description 2 in Selection lookup edit.

A new option has been added into the Application Setting section of the Options window. The option “Show Account Description 2 in Lookup Edit” allows for users to see the 2nd Description field of an Account to be visible in the selection lookup edit table. This is to allow users more information when selecting an account when filling in an entry form or when inquiring about the particular account.
The option in the Application Setting section of Options.
The option in the Application Setting section of Options.
The option at work in the Account selection field for Account Inquiry
The option at work in the Account selection field for Account Inquiry

GST Payment via CIMB now properly works.

Previously we have mentioned in a post that a GST Payment via CIMB function is available in AutoCount Accounting. We would like to now announce that the functionality has been tested thoroughly and will now work properly for normal usage. As such users may begin to use the functionality to submit their GST payment.

Bugs Fixed and Minor Enhancement

Among the newer bugs fixed and minor enhancement introduced in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8 are:
  1. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘InclusiveTax’ does not allow nulls. (ID: 34168) (ACC-2791)
  2. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Cannot un-void the document which is in Edit/New mode. (ID: 34206) (ACC-2792)
  3. Fix bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data. BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row. (ID: 34225) (ACC-2793)
  4. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (ID: 34218) (ACC-2794)
    This error occurred in the Delivery Order entry window.
  5. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘DocKey’ is constrained to be unique. Value ’260′ is already present. (ID: 34212) (ACC-2796)
  6. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘TaxRate’ does not belong to table Detail. (ID: 34194) (ACC-2798)
  7. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (ID: 34330) (ACC-2800)
    This error occurred in the A/P Payment entry window.
  8. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Unknown Sql Exception (Number=515, Message=Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘Seq’, table ‘AED_SILVER_0.dbo.ItemBOM’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. (ID: 35458) (ACC-2805)
  9. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘HasSerialNo’ does not allow nulls. (ID: 35500)(ACC-2806)
  10. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.(ID: 35486) (ACC-2808)
    This error occurred in the Item Opening Balance window.
  11. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Unknown Sql Exception (Number=8152, Message=String or binary data would be truncated.) (ID: 35542) (ACC-2809)
  12. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row. (ID: 35745) (ACC-2812)
  13. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Cannot set column ‘SerialNumber’. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column. (ID: 35828) (ACC-2814)
  14. Fix Bug: Can Not Save Document even though Add a Group Total to Separate Discount (with Different Tax Code) (ACC-2816)
  15. Fix Bug: Fix column Tax does not belong to PackageDetail table.
  16. Fix Bug: Account Book Registration Wizard: Error has occurred but the status still show “Your request is approved, auto registering license now…”.
  17. Fix Bug: Purchase menu won’t appear when Stock module is not enable.
  18. Fix GST Start Date logic not working when did not enable GST option.
  19. Fix Change Tax Code duplicate key issue.
  20. Fix date issue in Import From Excel under United Kingdom regional setting.
  21. Fix unable to delete Gift Rule after duplicate document number message prompt out.
  22. Enhancement: Add a confirmation dialog to warn users that changing the Company Name or Address 1 in company profile may make the license they have invalid.
  23. Enhancement: Check application version against other users application version on the network and prompt user with notification if there is any mismatch.
  24. Enhancement: Add Tax Code, Tax Rate, Tax Amount in the Advanced Search for all A/R, A/P, G/L, Sales and Purchase documents.

Click the following links to download :-

AutoCount Accounting (Last Updated:30/04/2015)
Version 1.8.012(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.012(64 Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8
(Last Updated:30/04/2015)

Version 1.8.012(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.012(64 Bit) : Download