Saturday, May 30, 2015

AutoCount Accounting Version 1.8.014


This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. For users that have run the GST Processor in the previous version of AutoCount Accounting and has use one or both of the following function:
  1. Imported Goods
  2. GST on D/O
  3. GST on Payment
please read the following special note. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
  1. New Rounding Method functionality.
  2. Allow to change the date for GST Instant Info.

Special Note

Changes for Imported Goods

Some new column is introduced in this version of AutoCount Accounting in the Payment Voucher for the Imported Goods function. One of the column, named as Custom Assessed Curr. Rate has been added to allow users to key in the currency rate the RMCD used for their assessment of the imported goods as the currency rate used by the RMCD sometimes is not the same as the one used by the user when purchasing the items being imported in. Another 2 columns introduced are the GST Adjustment as well as the Local GST Adjustment column. Due to the addition of the Custom Assessed Curr. Rate column, it is advised that the users that have been using the Imported Goods function to go and check their payment vouchers to ensure that the currency rate used is correct as well as to re-run the GST Processor if there is any changes done to the documents due to the changes done in the new column.
The 3 new columns in the Imported Goods function
The 3 new columns in the Imported Goods function

Changes for GST on D/O and GST on Payment

Users that satisfies the following condition:
  1. have previously run the GST Processor on the previous version and used the GST on D/O
  2. or GST on Payment function during the run
is required to re-run the GST Processor as there is a major change in the journal document generated by the functions. If the GST Processor document that is being re-run has been committed, please use the Tools->Reset GST Processor function in the AutoCount Accounting Management Studio to reset and allow the re-run to occur.
The reason for the GST Processor re-run is because in the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, the journal entry document created for the GST on D/O and GST on Payment has been using the Output Tax Account for the credit figure. In this version of AutoCount Accounting, the credit account has been changed. For the journal entry created by the GST on Payment, the system will use the Default Sales Account stored in the Tools->Options->GL->Default Accounts. For the journal entry created by the GST on D/O, the system will first use the Account Number specified in the D/O and if the there is no Account Number specified, it will also revert to using the the Default Sales Account stored in the Tools->Options->GL->Default Accounts. As such users have to remember to set the default sales account before running the GST Processor as they might encounter errors if not default sales account is stored in the Default Accounts window.
Enter the default sales account before re-running the GST Processor
Enter the default sales account before re-running the GST Processor

Improvements Introduced

New Rounding Method functionality.

In the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, 2 different rounding methods are available when doing calculations in the system. The first, known as Old ARAP Rounding Method and the second is known as Whole Document Rounding. This is now changed in this version of AutoCount Accounting.
2 newer rounding methods are introduced in version 1.8.14. The first is Whole Document Rounding version 2 and the second is known as Line by Line Rounding. Before we go into the second version of Whole Document Rounding, I would like to discuss the Line by Line Rounding method.
The Line by Line rounding method is a simple rounding method that applies the rounding in each line of detail before summing the rounded amount to the total of the document. This is different when compared to the Whole Document Rounding in which the rounding is applied only after the total of the document is calculated. The reason for the introduction of this rounding method is due to the fact that other accounting software uses line by line rounding method when generating their documents. This causes our own users who have to either enter or provide documents to the users of the other accounting software to have issues when entering/generating the documents as the rounding mechanism is different between Whole Document Rounding and Line by Line rounding. As such to solve the issues faced by our customers, we introduce the rounding adjustment method to better help with our clients needs. Because of this, if the creditor or debtor of the user is using the Line by Line rounding method in their documents, the AutoCount user can select to assign the rounding method to be applied to the creditor or debtor via the Creditor or Debtor Maintenance. Just navigate to the creditor or debtor of your choice, and navigate to the Others tab and set the Rounding Method option to Line by line rounding.
Set the Line by line rounding for Creditor or Debtor that uses the rounding method to generate their document
Set the Line by line rounding for Creditor or Debtor that uses the rounding method to generate their document
The newer Whole Document Rounding (version 2) is different when compared to the first version in the sense that, when applying the rounding method on transaction for foreign currency, the first version introduced some inaccuracy when doing the calculation using the standard algorithm used by AutoCount Accounting (for more on the algorithm used, click here) This is due to the fact that when the first version is used, when calculating the Local Amount as well as Local Tax using the algorithm, the sequence of calculation done is first line Local Amount , first line Local Tax, second line Local Amount, second line Local Tax and so on. This causes the carry forward rounding amount of the Local Amount to sometimes move to the Local Tax column causing the inaccuracy to grow as more and more carry forward rounding amount is added into the Local Tax column, which ultimately causes the total for Local Amount and Local Tax to be very different with the total Amount and Tax for the original currency. The image below illustrates this issue:
Old Whole Document Rounding issue
Old Whole Document Rounding issue
If you calculate the figures directly the total amount in local currency should have been 27321.67 and not the shown amount of 27321.66 where as the total amount of local tax should have been 1639.29 instead of the 1639.30 calculate by the Whole Document Rounding version 1. Again this is due because the carry forward rounding amount went into the Local Tax figures instead of staying in the Local Amount.
To fix this issue, the 2nd version is introduced in which the sequence of calculation is corrected so that it will calculate all the Local Amount first before moving to the Local Tax amount next. This sequence of calculation should in fact be more accurate when compared to the older Whole Document Rounding method. To change the rounding method use in your document, just go to the Tools->Options->Miscellaneous option and select the type of rounding method in the Default Document Rounding Method as shown below:
The Default Document Rounding method option
The Default Document Rounding method option

Allow to change the date for GST Instant Info.

A new feature is added into the GST Instant Info function that allows the user to change which date period is to be used to generate the GST Instant Info data with. The reason for this addition is to allow users to generate a new GAF when there is an amendment of transaction that affects the accounting side but not on any GST transaction especially for the Ledger part of the GAF file. Another reason for this addition is for the scenario that a Customs Officer request a full year (or any date period) of transaction in the GAF file, the user can just change the date range and generate it via the GST Instant Info window.
Change the Date Range in the GST Instant Info to show more info in the GST Instant Info and generate the GAF file for it
Change the Date Range in the GST Instant Info to show more info in the GST Instant Info and generate the GAF file for it
After changing the date range
After changing the date range

Bugs Fixed and Minor Enhancement

Among the newer bugs fixed and minor enhancement introduced in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8 are:
  1. Enhancement: Allow double click to edit account in Account Maintenance.
  2. Fix Bug: Fix escape key does not close some dialog in Account Maintenance.
  3. Enhancement: Allow to use escape key to close GST Instant Info window.
  4. Enhancement: Add checking of company name, address 1 and phone 1 in Registration Wizard.
  5. Enhancement: Support calculate unit price from SubTotal option.
  6. Enhancement: Add Transaxtion ID to Tax Transaction Audit Trail report.
  7. Enhancement: Add DocNo2, RefNo2, TaxPermitNo, TaxAdjustment, TaxDR, TaxCR, TaxExportCountry, TaxBRNo, TaxBName, TaxRefNo to Import Journal Entry from Excel.
  8. Enhancement: Add ProjNo and DeptNo columns in Tax Transaction Audit Trail report.
  9. Fix Bug: Fix amount from Journal Entry is empty bug.
  10. Enhancement: Add catch OutOfMemoryException for generate GST Processor.
  11. Enhancement: Add a helpful message in Remote USB Key Setting window to explain to user how to use this function.
  12. Enhancement: Import Export XML for all POS Maintenance.
  13. Enhancement: Add SupplierInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax, TaxPermitNo to Import APCN from Excel.
  14. Enhancement: Add SupplierInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax, TaxPermitNo to Import APDN from Excel.
  15. Enhancement: Filter By GST Period Date for Unapplied amount ARAP CN in GST Processor.
  16. Enhancement: Add TaxPermitNo and Tax to Import AP Invoice from Excel.
  17. Fix Bug: Fix unable to calculate GLDTL when doing imported goods in inclusive tax.
  18. Enhancement: Add BankChargeTaxType and BankChargeTaxRefNo to Import APPayment from Excel.
  19. Fix Bug: Fix unable to assign tax rate properly when copy to new document.
  20. Enhancement: Import Export XML for POS Staff Attendance.
  21. Fix Bug: Fix bug in detail listing where item package detail option is not correct.
  22. Enhancement: Add OurInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax and TaxExportCountry to import ARCN from Excel.
  23. Fix Bug: Fix bug in all sales detail listing where item package detail option is not correct.
  24. Fix Bug: Fix bug in all purchase detail listing where item package detail option is not correct.
  25. Enhancement: Add OurInvoiceNo, Reason, Tax and TaxExportCountry to Import ARDN from Excel.
  26. Enhancement: Add TaxExportCountry and Tax to Import ARInvoice from Excel.
  27. Enhancement: Add BankChargeTaxType and BankChargeTaxRefNo to Import ARPayment from Excel.
  28. Enhancement: Add custom assess currency rate for imported goods field.
  29. Enhancement: Add rounding method for Sales, Purchase, ARAP and GL document.
  30. Enhancement: Add local tax adjustment for Sales, Purchase, ARAP and GL document.
  31. Enhancement: Add option for Rounding Method function.
  32. Enhancement: Add grid column export excel at GST Processor.
  33. Enhancement: Modify Bank Charge Business Name and Registration Number maximum length.
  34. Fix Bug: Fix the ‘capacity’ must be greater than zero error in the GST Processor
  35. Fix Bug: Fix bank charge in PV appearing as double value in the Tax Transaction Listing.

AutoCount Accounting v1.8
(Last Updated: 03/06/2015)

Version Bit) : Download
Version Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8
(Last Updated: 
Version Bit): Download
Version Bit) : Download

AutoCount POS
(Last Updated: 
Version ( : Download

AutoCount USB Server & Backup Server
(Last Updated: 03/06/2015)

AutoCount USB Server(version 1.5) : Download
AutoCount Backup Server(version : Download

Friday, May 22, 2015


Guide on PAYMENT OF GST : Download

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Security Deposit in A/R Deposit

Security Deposit in A/R Deposit
When using the GST Processor, the system will detect any unapplied A/R Payment and generate a journal entry to account for output tax of the payment in advance. However, deposit transaction taken as security is not consideration for a supply (taken from Royal Malaysian Customs Goods and Services Tax Guide on Supply document). As such, to take into account of this definition, AutoCount Accounting introduces the ‘Is Security Deposit?’ option in its A/R Deposit entry window. With this, users may enable this option to mark the transaction as a Security Deposit transaction and exclude it from the GST Processor GST on Payment function.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

AutoCount Accounting Version 1.8.113 --- Last Updated:18/05/2015


This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
  1. Self Billed Approval No. added in Creditor Maintenance, Cash Purchase & Purchase Invoice
  2. Business Registration Number and Business Name field in Cash Book moved from Master to Detail
  3. Changes to the IS_ATS tax document flow.
  4. Use Transaction Account Number for Posting for the Tax Code BL

Improvements Introduced

Self Billed Approval No. added in Cash Purchase, Purchase Invoice & Creditor Maintenance

The Self Billed Approval No. field has been added into the Creditor Maintenance, Cash Purchase and Purchase Invoice document. This is to allow companies that has obtained the Self Billed Approval No for their suppliers to fill in the information for their suppliers in the system.
The Self Billed Approval No field in Creditor Maintenance
The Self Billed Approval No field in Creditor Maintenance
The Self Billed Approval No field in Purchase Invocie
The Self Billed Approval No field in Purchase Invocie
The Self Billed Approval No field in Cash Purchase
The Self Billed Approval No field in Cash Purchase

Business Registration Number and Business Name field in Cash Book moved from Master to Detail

In this version of AutoCount Accounting, the Business Registration Number and Business Name has been moved from the Master section of the document to the Detail section of the document. This change is done based on feedback from users that wish to key in the 2 fields for each detail line.
The Business Registration Number and Business Name in the Receipt Voucher detail
The Business Registration Number and Business Name in the Receipt Voucher detail
The Business Registration Number and Business Name in the Payment Voucher detail
The Business Registration Number and Business Name in the Payment Voucher detail

Changes to the IS_ATS tax document flow.

Previously, using the IS_ATS tax code in the Purchase document side will allow the user to select the document in the Find Imported Goods window at Payment Voucher document entry. This has been changed in this version as from feedback and review, the use of IS_ATS at the Purchase side has been determined to be incorrect. As such a correction is made so that for the scenario of purchasing items from an overseas supplier for both normal import or under the Approved Trader Scheme, the tax code to use is IM-GDS. Using the IS_ATS in Purchase document will no longer cause that document to show up in the Find Imported Goods function in Payment Voucher entry.
The question now would be where should the IS_ATS tax code be used? The user will now have to determine when using the Find Imported Goods function in Payment Voucher entry, to use either the IM tax code or to use the IS_ATS tax code as previously shown for the Customs duty.

Use Transaction Account Number for Posting for the Tax Code BL

A new boolean field has been added into the Tax Code Maintenance. This field “Use Transaction Account No. for Posting” is used specifically with the Government Tax Code BL. The reason for this addition on the specific tax code is to allow user a more easier time of maintaining their BL tax code since this tax code requires posting to the transaction account instead to a tax account. As such, users no longer have to maintain multiple version of the tax code for multiple accounts as enabling this option will automatically cause the posting to be to the transaction account instead of the assigned tax account.
The "Use Transaction Account Number for Posting" option in Tax Code Maintenance for tax code BL
The “Use Transaction Account Number for Posting” option in Tax Code Maintenance for tax code BL

Bugs Fixed and Minor Enhancement

Among the newer bugs fixed and minor enhancement introduced in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8 are:
  1. Enhancement: Add footer local amount field for sales and purchase view
  2. Fix Bug: Fix possible NullReferenceException error in Project Maintenance.
  3. Fix Bug: Fix possible NullReferenceException error in BudgetPBalanceDataColumnChangeEventHandler, LastYearBalanceMaintenance’s PBalanceDataColumnChangeEventHandler, and YearToDateMaintenance’s PBalanceDataColumnChangeEventHandler.
  4. Enhancement: Change default account localization “Rounding Adjustment Account” to “5 Cents Rounding Adjustment Account”.
  5. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint “FK_GLTrxIDTrash_UserID”. The conflict occurred in database “AED_WALTA ENGINE”, table “dbo.GLTrxIDTrash”, column ‘UserID’. (ID: 36177) (ACC-2819)
  6. Enhancement: Add to code to double confirm from users whether they want to continue upgrade with the account book contained AutoCount POS database.
  7. Fix Bug: Fix come out duplicate item when editing Item BOM.
  8. Enhancement: Assign default tax rate from tax type when import ARAP & GL document
  9. Enhancement: Extend tax ref no field to 30 characters.
  10. Fix Bug: Fix copy sales document to purchase document, the tax type should not copy over or vice versa.
  11. Fix Bug: Fix sometimes Item Search window disappear when press F9 in Stock Item Inquiry issue.
  12. Fix Bug: Fix wording bug in FormManageARBadDebtWizard.
  13. Fix Bug: Fix Copy Receipt Voucher to Payment Voucher, the tax type should not copy over issue or vice versa.
  14. Fix Bug: Fix unable to copy taxable amount for item package detail to other document.
  15. Enhancement: Add self bill approval no in Cash Purchase, Purchase Invoice & Creditor table
  16. Enhancement: Move tax business name and regno from Cash Book Master to Detail table
  17. Enhancement: Merge IS_ATS with IM by using IM-GDS
  18. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘LocalTax’ does not belong to table AddInfoTaxSummary. (ID: 36537) (ACC-2822)
  19. Enhancement: Change payment method field from bankchargetaxbrname to bankchargetaxbname
  20. Fix Bug: Fix bug in Year To Date Maintenance and Last Year Balance Maintenance which was introduced in previous changeset.
  21. Fix Bug: Fix tab order issue in Debtor Edit and Creditor Edit.
  22. Fix Bug: Add Bank Charge Tax Code, Bank Charge Business Name, Bank Charge Business Reg. No. to Payment Method grid.
  23. Fix Bug: Fix grid control does not fill properly in Negative Serial Number Inquiry.
  24. Fix Bug: Add use transaction tax accno field for BL goverment tax code (apply in Malaysia)
  25. Fix Bug: Change double entry matching algorithm in Cash Book Entry to exclude tax record.
  26. Fix Bug: Fix wording issue in Tax Code Maintenance.
  27. Fix Bug: Fix bug in Show Tax Summary form where it does not use the BCE.AutoCount.Common.CommonFunction.CalculateTaxSummary(), now we have standardize it to use the function so that the result in Show Tax Summary Form will be same as in Invoice report.
  28. Enhancement: Change the default refresh to 15 minutes for GST Instant Info.
  29. Enhancement: Change the way refreshing GST Instant Info into another thread.
  30. Fix bug when create new Debtor Control / Creditor Control, the Input Tax Code and Output Tax Code already preset with value issue.
  31. Fix bug: You still can enter inactive item from Scan Bar Code control.
  32. Enhancement: Add TaxRegisterNo to Debtor and Creditor Statement report.
  33. Fix bug: Exclude GST Amount during calculate commission on Commission By Collection report.
  34. Fix bug: Change from LocalSubTotal to LocalSubTotalExTax at Stock Item Profit Margin report.
  35. Fix bug: Change from SubTotal to SubTotalExTax at Stock Item Profit Margin report.
  36. Fix bug: Change from NetTotal to TotalExTax for POS transaction at Sales Analysis report.

AutoCount Accounting v1.8
(Last Updated:15/05/2015)

Version 1.8.113(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.113(64 Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8
(Last Updated:15/05/2015)

Version 1.8.113(32 Bit): Download
Version 1.8.113(64 Bit) : Download

AutoCount POS
(Last Updated:15/05/2015)

Version: : Download

Monday, May 18, 2015

An explanation on AutoCount GST rounding algorithm

Hi, if you have seen two lines with same amount, but GST amount may be different by 1 cent in AutoCount Accounting. Don’t worry, this is correct as it is caused by the adaptive rounding algorithm used by AutoCount Accounting. Let me explain in detail how this algorithm works in the following paragraph.
Let see the following example:
Line NoQtyUnit PriceTax %GST (Unrounded)GST (Rounded)

If you calculate the GST line by line and do the rounding to 2 decimal, then the total GST of the above Invoice is 2.37, however, if you use 39.33 x 6% = 2.3598 ~= 2.36, which has 1 cent different. Since most of the time, users would use total amount x 6% to calculate their GST, so we have to resolve this potential 1 cent different issue.
In order to resolve this issue, you can apply this 1 cent to the last row of the invoice, then it will become the below example:
Line NoQtyUnit PriceTax %GST (Unrounded)GST (Rounded)

Then the weird thing is user might ask why the last line (Line No. 4), the unit price is 0.00, but why GST is -0.01.
Then in order to resolve this 1 cent issue, we have derived a rounding algorithm called Adaptive Rounding Algorithm.
The algorithm works from top to bottom.
Line NoQtyUnit PriceTax %GST (Unrounded)Prev Unrounded TotalPrev Rounded TotalGST (Rounded)

The GST of line 1 is just the rounded value of 0.7866, which is 0.79.
The GST of line 2 is Round(0.7866 + 0.7866) – [line 1 GST] = Round(1.5732) – 0.79 = 1.57 – 0.79 = 0.78.
The GST of line 3 is Round(0.7866 + 0.7866 + 0.7866) – [line 1 GST + line 2 GST] = Round(2.3598) – 1.57 = 2.36 – 1.57 = 0.79.
The GST of line 4 is Round(0.7866 + 0.7866 + 0.7866 + 0.0000) – [line 1 GST + line 2 GST + line 3 GST] = Round(2.3598) – 2.36 = 2.36 – 2.36 = 0.00.
The formula is:
Round(Sum of unrounded GST from line 1 to line n) – Sum(GST from line 1 to line n-1)
By using this rounding algorithm, line 4 will not have any GST because the unit price is 0.00, however, it may make the intermediate line has weird GST value such as line 2, which has GST value of 0.78, different from 0.79 of line 1 and line 3.
But because in the end, people tends to check GST of the whole invoice instead of individual item, so we have applied this algorithm in our calculation. In other words, as long as the total GST is correct, then users don’t worry too much about the individual GST amount.
Note: This algorithm has been accepted by Singapore Iras for many years.

AutoCount v1.8.113 --- Last Updated:22/01/2015

Warning!!! : Please backup before you install the new version. 
If you are not sure how to do it by yourself, please contact your software vendor. 
This action will change of your database structure & software version.

AutoCount Account & Express AutoCount --- Last Updated:22/01/2015

AutoCount Accounting v1.8
(Last Updated:15/05/2015)

Version 1.8.113(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.113(64 Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8
(Last Updated:15/05/2015)

Version 1.8.113(32 Bit): Download
Version 1.8.113(64 Bit) : Download

AutoCount POS
(Last Updated:15/05/2015)

Version: : Download

Sunday, May 17, 2015

AutoCount v1.8.012 --- Last Updated:30/04/2015

--- Last Updated:30/04/2015
Warning!!! : Please backup before you install the new version. 
If you are not sure how to do it by yourself, please contact your software vendor. 
This action will change of your database structure & software version.

AutoCount Accounting v1.8 --- Last Updated:30/04/2015
(Last Updated:30/04/2015)
Version 1.8.012(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.012(64 Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8
(Last Updated:30/04/2015)

Version 1.8.012(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.012(64 Bit) : Download

AutoCount POS
(Last Updated:15/05/2015)

Version:3.0.009 (1.8.013) : Download

Saturday, May 16, 2015

AutoCount Accounting Version 1.8.012


This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
  1. GST Instant Info.
  2. GST Support in Bank Charges.
  3. Support display variable length of decimal number.
  4. Support Large Font for Main Menu.
  5. Revamp of Tax Invoice documents.
  6. 5 cents rounding enhancement.
  7. Account Description 2 in Selection lookup edit.
  8. GST Payment via CIMB now properly works.

Improvements Introduced

GST Instant Info

In an effort to provide on demand GST information to the user, AutoCount Accounting introduces the GST Instant Info to allow the user to see their current GST Return status for the next submission. To launch this GST Instant Info, you can press Ctrl-Alt-G or go to GST | GST Instant Info menu.
The GST Instant Info window
The GST Instant Info window
User can have up to the minute information on their GST Return status by changing the refresh interval in the GST Instant Info Setting. This is accessible by clicking on the Setting button.


GST Support in Bank Charges.

A new feature implemented in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8.12 is the GST support for Bank Charges. This function affects the following documents:
  1. A/R Receive Payment
  2. A/R Deposit
  3. A/R Refund
  4. A/R Deposit Refund
  5. A/P Payment
  6. A/P Deposit
  7. A/P Refund
  8. A/P Deposit Refund
  9. Receipt Voucher
  10. Payment Voucher
To use this functionality, you must first set the information for the following 3 fields in the Payment Method Maintenance:
  1. Bank Charge Tax Code: this tax code is always the input tax code for all document and is the default tax code to be used for the Payment Method Bank Charge.
  2. Business Reg. No.: the Bank Registration Number
  3. Business Name: the Bank Name
The Business Reg. No. and Business Name is important for the generation of the GAF file, as such it must not be left blank as it might cause the field in the GAF file to be also blank.
Fill in the 3 new fields to setup the GST support for Bank Charge
Fill in the 3 new fields to setup the GST support for Bank Charge
After setting these information, just create the document you wish and you will see the new columns for Bank Charge. The 2 visible columns are Bank Charge Tax Code which is the tax code in which the Bank Charge is under (again this tax code is always of type input tax) and the Bank Charge Bill No. for GST. The Bank Charge Bill No. for GST column is the column in which you enter the Reference Number of the Bank Charge transaction. This column should also be filled as it is important for the GAF file.

An example of Bank Charge with GST
An example of Bank Charge with GST
There are 2 columns that are hidden for the Bank Charge GST which is Bank Charge Tax and Bank Charge Tax Rate. The Bank Charge Tax is the column in which the tax amount is entered when the calculation is done for the GST on Bank Charge. Since there is no GST adjustment column for Bank Charge, any adjustment can be done on the Bank Charge Tax column to reflect on the GST charged by the bank to the user.

2 new columns hidden in the customization window for the grid
 2 new columns hidden in the customization window for the grid
The Bank Charge Tax column shown with a modification to its value to show that it can be modified for GST adjustment
The Bank Charge Tax column shown with a modification to its value to show that it can be modified for GST adjustment
The following image shows the GST on bank charge in the GAF file generated.

The GAF entry generated for GST on Bank Charge
The GAF entry generated for GST on Bank Charge
The following image shows the GST on bank charge in the Tax Transaction Listing report:

GST on Bank Charge in Tax Transaction Listing
GST on Bank Charge in Tax Transaction Listing


Support display variable length of decimal number.

In the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, decimal figures will always show its full length depending on how many decimal points are set for it. For example, for the currency rate of 2.1, AutoCount Accounting fields will show it as 2.100000 with the default 6 decimal place setting. In version 1.8.12 onward, a new option has been added to allow the system to only display the relevant number without showing all the decimal places. As such, going back to the example before, the currency rate figure will be shown as 2.1 even if the decimal places set is 6. This option to control the display of variable length of decimal number is accessible in the Tools->Options->Decimal setting.
Accessing the new Decimal setting
Accessing the new Decimal setting
By default, 2 of the decimal properties is set to “Display fixed size decimal” which is the decimal properties for Sales and Purchase Unit Price. For the Currency decimal property, this option is not available at all. Enabling the “Display fixed size decimal” option will cause the system to use the previous version functionality (i.e showing 2.100000 as per previous example) for displaying the decimal points, whereas disabling the option will cause the system to use the newer functionality (i.e 2.1 as per previous example) to display the decimal points. This setting applies to both the user interface as well as the reports generated. If you enable/disable the “Display fixed size decimal” option, you may need to use the Clear Cache function to allow the windows to refresh their decimal setting.

The currency rate is shown as 2.1 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2.1 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2.0394 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2.0394 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2 even thought the decimal place is 6
The currency rate is shown as 2 even thought the decimal place is 6
Enabling the fix size decimal option will show the decimal points similar to the previous version
Enabling the fix size decimal option will show the decimal points similar to the previous version


Support Large Font for Main Menu.

In this version of AutoCount Accounting, users using a high resolution monitor can now customize the main menu to use large font. To enable this feature, navigate to Tools->Customize Main Menu and enable the “Use Large Font Size in Menu Font” option. The user can also increase the gap between menus by increasing the Menu Gap figure. The Menu Gap is current defaulted to 4 (the lowest setting) and the highest it can go is 8.

Accessing Configure Main Menu
Accessing Configure Main Menu
Enable the option so that Large Fonts would be use
Enable the option so that Large Fonts would be use
This is the Main Menu in normal font size
This is the Main Menu in normal font size
This is the Main Menu with Large Font enable
This is the Main Menu with Large Font enable
This is the Main Menu with Large Fonts and level 8 Menu Gap
This is the Main Menu with Large Fonts and level 8 Menu Gap

Revamp of Tax Invoice documents.

For the full explanation on what has been changed in the Tax Invoice, please navigate to the following article: Full & Simplified Tax Invoice: Explanation on changes made and Data binding guide
Other than the changes mentioned in the post linked above, there are 3 new listing report available in the Print Invoice Listing. The first one would be Invoice Listing with Rounding Adjustment. In this report, you will be able see how much rounding adjustment has been applied to your invoices as shown below:
Invoice Listing with Rounding Adjustment
The second listing report available is the Invoice Listing with Tax. This report will list out invoice documents together with the tax amount incurred inside the documents which you can see below:

Invoice Listing with Tax
The third listing report available is the Invoice Tax Listing. Users should not mistake this report with the Invoice Listing with Tax. This report lists out the total amount which is subjected to tax as well as not subjected to tax depending on the tax code of each item.

Invoice Tax Listing


5 cents rounding adjustment enhancement.

There were multiple request from our users for 5 cents rounding adjustment to be available in certain documents and we are happy to announce that we have now enhanced the following documents to have the 5 cents rounding adjustment function available in them. The documents are:
  1. Credit Note
  2. Sales Order
  3. Purchase Invoice
  4. Cash Purchase
  5. Purchase Return
In order to enable the 5 cents rounding adjustment, you have to go to Tools | Options, go to Invoicing category, select 5 Cents Rounding page.

The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The 5 cents rounding option
Disable 5 cents rounding: As the name implied, the 5 cents rounding is disabled for this document.
Enable 5 cents rounding: As the name implied, the 5 cents rounding is enabled for this document, you will see a 5 cents rounding? check edit in the document, and it is by default will be unchecked.
Enforce 5 cents rounding: This option will enable and enforce the 5 cents rounding for the document, and the 5 cents rounding check edit will be by default checked, and users are not allowed to uncheck the check edit unless the user has the access right “Do not enforce 5 cents rounding” in that particular document.
By default, all 5 cents rounding adjustment are disabled, except Invoice and Cash Sale will be in Enforce 5 cents rounding option if it was enabled in previous version.
The following are some screenshots of enable 5 cents rounding option in Credit Note document, and check the 5 cents rounding adjustment.

The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The 5 cents rounding adjustment in the Credit Note document
The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The 5 cents rounding adjustment at work after enabling it
The following is the screenshot of Do not enforce 5 cents rounding access right for Invoice document.

Do not enforce 5 cents rounding access right
Do not enforce 5 cents rounding access right.


Account Description 2 in Selection lookup edit.

A new option has been added into the Application Setting section of the Options window. The option “Show Account Description 2 in Lookup Edit” allows for users to see the 2nd Description field of an Account to be visible in the selection lookup edit table. This is to allow users more information when selecting an account when filling in an entry form or when inquiring about the particular account.
The option in the Application Setting section of Options.
The option in the Application Setting section of Options.
The option at work in the Account selection field for Account Inquiry
The option at work in the Account selection field for Account Inquiry

GST Payment via CIMB now properly works.

Previously we have mentioned in a post that a GST Payment via CIMB function is available in AutoCount Accounting. We would like to now announce that the functionality has been tested thoroughly and will now work properly for normal usage. As such users may begin to use the functionality to submit their GST payment.

Bugs Fixed and Minor Enhancement

Among the newer bugs fixed and minor enhancement introduced in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8 are:
  1. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘InclusiveTax’ does not allow nulls. (ID: 34168) (ACC-2791)
  2. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Cannot un-void the document which is in Edit/New mode. (ID: 34206) (ACC-2792)
  3. Fix bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data. BeginEdit() will allow creation of new data in this row. (ID: 34225) (ACC-2793)
  4. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (ID: 34218) (ACC-2794)
    This error occurred in the Delivery Order entry window.
  5. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘DocKey’ is constrained to be unique. Value ’260′ is already present. (ID: 34212) (ACC-2796)
  6. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘TaxRate’ does not belong to table Detail. (ID: 34194) (ACC-2798)
  7. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (ID: 34330) (ACC-2800)
    This error occurred in the A/P Payment entry window.
  8. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Unknown Sql Exception (Number=515, Message=Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘Seq’, table ‘AED_SILVER_0.dbo.ItemBOM’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. (ID: 35458) (ACC-2805)
  9. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Column ‘HasSerialNo’ does not allow nulls. (ID: 35500)(ACC-2806)
  10. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.(ID: 35486) (ACC-2808)
    This error occurred in the Item Opening Balance window.
  11. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Unknown Sql Exception (Number=8152, Message=String or binary data would be truncated.) (ID: 35542) (ACC-2809)
  12. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Deleted row information cannot be accessed through the row. (ID: 35745) (ACC-2812)
  13. Fix Bug: Error Log Viewer Bug: Cannot set column ‘SerialNumber’. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column. (ID: 35828) (ACC-2814)
  14. Fix Bug: Can Not Save Document even though Add a Group Total to Separate Discount (with Different Tax Code) (ACC-2816)
  15. Fix Bug: Fix column Tax does not belong to PackageDetail table.
  16. Fix Bug: Account Book Registration Wizard: Error has occurred but the status still show “Your request is approved, auto registering license now…”.
  17. Fix Bug: Purchase menu won’t appear when Stock module is not enable.
  18. Fix GST Start Date logic not working when did not enable GST option.
  19. Fix Change Tax Code duplicate key issue.
  20. Fix date issue in Import From Excel under United Kingdom regional setting.
  21. Fix unable to delete Gift Rule after duplicate document number message prompt out.
  22. Enhancement: Add a confirmation dialog to warn users that changing the Company Name or Address 1 in company profile may make the license they have invalid.
  23. Enhancement: Check application version against other users application version on the network and prompt user with notification if there is any mismatch.
  24. Enhancement: Add Tax Code, Tax Rate, Tax Amount in the Advanced Search for all A/R, A/P, G/L, Sales and Purchase documents.

Click the following links to download :-

AutoCount Accounting (Last Updated:30/04/2015)
Version 1.8.012(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.012(64 Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8
(Last Updated:30/04/2015)

Version 1.8.012(32 Bit) : Download
Version 1.8.012(64 Bit) : Download

Special shortcut for account book login


In an effort to help users with multiple account books to login into a specific account book without scrolling to find the book in the login list, AutoCount Accounting has introduced a special feature that would allow users to create a special shortcut for those account books.

How to use this feature

To create the shortcut, first select the account book you wish to create the shortcut to in the login screen.
Too many account books to navigate every time you login?
Too many account books to navigate every time you login?
After selecting the account book, press the following combination key:
Doing so will open a “Save As” window pointed to the user My AutoCount folder. Enter the name you wish to save the AutoCount DMF file.
Create a shortcut for your favourite account book
Create a shortcut for your favourite account book
After saving the DMF file, a prompt will notify you that the shortcut has been created on the desktop.
Shortcut created
Shortcut created
Navigate to your desktop to see the shortcut created for the selected account book.
Shortcut Icon
Shortcut Icon
Double-clicking on the shortcut will launch AutoCount Accounting with only the selected account book visible in the list of account books.
Now you can login without having to navigate to find your account book
Now you can login without having to navigate to find your account book

GST Form: Online Filing GST Form GST03 Tax Submission to Kastam

Friday, May 15, 2015

Full & Simplified Tax Invoice: Explanation on changes made and Data binding guide


The following post discusses about the changes made to the AutoCount Tax Invoices in version 1.8.12 as well as giving a simple data binding guide to help you customize your own Invoice template to show the correct figures in them.


In the previous AutoCount Accounting version, the Tax Invoices template that was shipped together had use the inclusive/exclusive tax to differentiate how the report would show it’s tax information in the footer section. This can be seen as when the tax used for the document is exclusive, the footer would show something like below:
Sub Total (Excluding GST)250.00
GST payable @ 6% on 250.0015.00
Total (Inclusive of GST)265.00
Whereas if the document was using inclusive tax, the footer would show something like this:
Total Sales inclusive of GST @ 6%250.00
This approach on generating the report was unfortunately inaccurate as feedback from customers as well as research and fact checking with the RMCD (Royal Malaysian Customs Department) indicate that the different footers are not caused by inclusive or exclusive tax but an all together different concept.


In version 1.8.12, the Tax Invoice template has been split into 2 version, the first being Full Tax Invoice while the second would be Simplified Tax Invoice. The split is done because the each invoice actually use the different footer concept in them. For the Full Tax Invoice, the footer uses the full information footer similar to the previously exclusive tax footer format, whereas the Simplified Tax Invoice uses the inclusive tax footer format. For a more clearer picture, please have a look of the images below:
The new Full Tax Invoice
The new Full Tax Invoice
The new Simplified Tax Invoice
The new Simplified Tax Invoice
Now a user might ask, how about inclusive/exclusive tax? Would it change the format? The answer is surprisingly no actually. You may still use the Full or Simplified Tax Invoice to show both exclusive and inclusive tax because at its core, RMCD only cares about the information presented in the footer area. However, the recipient of the invoice might have issues on the figures shown for each item due to how inclusive and exclusive are calculated on the total of each item. As such to avoid this particular issue, AutoCount also provides an Inclusive template for both Full and Simplified Tax Invoice. The difference between using the normal template and the Inclusive template can be seen below:
In the left hand side, the normal template and in the right hand side, the Inclusive template
In the left hand side, the normal template and in the right hand side, the Inclusive template
The left hand side is the Exclusive template and the right hand side is the Inclusive template
The left hand side is the Exclusive template and the right hand side is the Inclusive template
As you can see, in the Full Tax Invoice, an extra column is added in the Inclusive template to allow the recipient to see the total inclusive and that the previously Total column in the normal template is renamed to Total(ex) to show that this is the price of the item excluding the tax amount. This way no confusion can exist for the recipient of this invoice on how much the figure was derived from. You may also notice that without the extra column, both reports are actually identical when previewing an Inclusive tax invoice document. Again it is similar for the Simplified Tax Invoice, only the other way around. The Exclusive template will show the extra column to show the Exclusive figure but the figures are the same for both documents when previewing the same Inclusive tax invoice document.

Data Binding

For users or dealers that do their own report design modification to fit their own needs the following table shows what fields AutoCount use to bind the detail data for the relevant tax fields.
Elements in the reportData binding used
Total (inc)SG_SubTotalWithTax
Total (ex)SG_SubTotalExTax
+ Sub Total (Excluding GST)TotalExTax
+ GST payable @ 6%Tax
+ Total (Inclusive of GST)NetTotal
+ Rounding Adj. *RoundAdj
+ Final Total *FinalTotal

+: Footer fields
*: if applicable, check scripts inside the system template on how to hide if not using