Tuesday, July 28, 2015

AutoCount Accounting Version --- Last Updated:22/07/2015


This version of AutoCount Accounting is a maintenance release for version 1.8. Some of the improvements implemented in this version are:
  1. Tax Transaction Change Management.
  2. Added Tax Code and Transaction ID fields in Ledger Report.
  3. New fields in Sales, Purchase, ARAP and GL.
  4. GST Detail in Cash Book and Journal Entry.
  5. Lampiran 2 export to excel function.
  6. Enhancement to Bank Reconciliation.
  7. Enhancement on the GST Setting window.

Improvements Introduced

Tax Transaction Change Management

A major improvement is implemented in this version of AutoCount Accounting. Previously, when the GST Processor has processed the GST Return for a period, the period lock mechanism is employed to lock the related documents to prevent from accidental modification that may cause issues with the correctness of the document. As such if the user is required to modify some parts of a document that is locked, they are required to manage the period lock exception. While this in itself is easy to apply, an issue may arise in that with the period lock exception being open, any other modification could occur on other documents, and these changes might be accidental. To prevent such issue from ever occurring as well as giving users more flexibility, a new mechanism is now implemented to help with this situation.
This mechanism is known as the Tax Transaction Change Management. The Tax Transaction Change Management works as a safeguard mechanism to protect the tax transaction that has been processed by the GST Processor. This mechanism works by comparing the changes being done to the document containing the tax transaction with its original version and assigning a severity level on each of the changes done. The highest severity level of all the changes done will then be the severity level assigned to the changed document. If the user making the changes have the correct access right level to save the changes, he or she will be allowed to save the changes done to the document. If the user does not have the access right level to do so, the changes will not be saved and the document will revert to its original condition. The level of severity that is assigned to changes are as follows; Low, Medium and High.
The access right to allow user to save according to the severity of the changes
The access right to allow user to save according to the severity of the changes
The following series of images shows how the system will prompt the user when the user has modified a document that contains a severity level. Note: if the user did not received any prompt when saving a modified document with tax transaction, this means that the modification done does not impact the tax transaction itself and is safe. As such the Tax Transaction Change Management mechanism will not trigger any prompts to the user and the save operation will continue without any other input from the user.
When saving a low severity change
When saving a low severity change
When saving a medium severity change
When saving a medium severity change
When saving a high severity change
When saving a high severity change
Trying to save a high severity change without access right
Trying to save a high severity change without access right
The following table illustrate the type of action as well as its severity level.
Action on document with tax transactionConditionSeverity
Insert or DeleteTax Code is ‘OP’ or ‘OS’.True
All other Tax CodeTrue
ModificationChange on the following fields:
  1. TaxDate (in the same GST Processed Period)
  2. DocNo
  3. DocDate
  4. ProjNo
  5. DeptNo
  6. TaxableAccNo
  7. TaxableName
  8. Seq
  9. TaxAccNo
  10. Business Register No
  11. Bill of No for GST
  12. Tax Permit No
  13. Tax Export Country
  14. Detail Description
Change between tax code ‘OP’/’OS’ to empty tax code and vice versa.True
Change on the following fields:
  1. TaxDate (not in the same period or out of GST processed period)
  2. TaxCode
  3. Currency code
  4. Currency rate
  5. Taxable amount
  6. Local Taxable amount
  7. Tax
  8. Local Tax
With the addition of this mechanism, the previous period lock mechanism is no longer applied and as such when updating to this version of AutoCount Accounting, the period locks applied previously will be removed.
To help users manage and track the changes done under this mechanism, a new report is also introduced. This report is named as Tax Transaction Change Tracking Report and it will display the changes done, the severity of the changes as well as who did the change.
The Tax Transaction Change Tracking Report that shows the changes done the tax transaction document by which user
The Tax Transaction Change Tracking Report that shows the changes done the tax transaction document by which user

Added Tax Code and Transaction ID fields in Ledger Report.

Two new fields is added into the Ledger Report. The two fields added are Tax Code and Transaction ID.
The Tax Code column in the Ledger Report window
The Tax Code column in the Ledger Report window

New Fields in Sales, Purchase, ARAP and GL.

A few new fields are added into the documents in the Sales, Purchase, ARAP and GL module. These columns are localtaxableamt, taxcurrencytax and taxcurrencytaxableamt which is used to store some of the previously calculated values into the database. The Local Taxable Amt field is also added into the Tax Transaction Audit Trail report.

GST Detail in Cash Book and Journal Entry

In an effort to make it easier for user to enter the GST information in both Cash Book and Journal Entry as well as reducing the number of columns for the information, a new button is introduced under the column GST Detail. The user can just click this button to enter the following GST information on a separate dialog;
  1. Business Name
  2. Business Registration Number
  3. GST Registration Number
  4. GST Permit Number
  5. GST Export Country
  6. GST Reference Number
  7. Bill Date for GST
Click on the button under the GST Detail column, and the dialog window to fill the information will prompt up
Click on the button under the GST Detail column, and the dialog window to fill the information will prompt up

Lampiran 2 export to excel function

A new function is added into the GST Return window. The function allows users to create the Lampiran 2 report which the Customs may request when the user is requesting tax refunds from them. To access this function, just open the GST Refund window and click the ‘Export Lampiran 2 in Excel’ button. The function will then generate the Lampiran 2 in excel format.
Click the button highlighted to generate the report
Click the button highlighted to generate the report
An example of the report generated
An example of the report generated

Enhancement to Bank Reconciliation

Two enhancement for Bank Reconciliation is introduced in this version of AutoCount Accounting. The first is that, when a user double-clicks on the Bank Reconciliation record, it will now open the record in View mode. The second enhancement is by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F, the user will be able to access the Find panel, where they can search for the relevant Bank Reconciliation record.
The Find panel, accessible via Ctrl+F
The Find panel, accessible via Ctrl+F

Enhancement on the GST Setting window

In the previous version of AutoCount Accounting, the GST Setting menu is only accessible from the GST Processor menu. This is no longer the case as it is now placed under the GST menu as shown below.
The new GST Setting menu position
The new GST Setting menu position
The GST Setting window has also been modified by separating all the options base on the GST functionality it falls into. The following series of images illustrates the changes done.

Bugs Fixed and Minor Enhancement

Among the newer bugs fixed and minor enhancement introduced in AutoCount Accounting version 1.8 are:
  1. Fix Bug: Fix “Index was outside the bounds of an array” error when generate GST Return File.
  2. Enhancement: Enhance GST03 Report to latest form design.
  3. Enhancement: Extend GST Person Name to 50 characters long.
  4. Enhancement: Add AccNo in Delivery Order document for generate GST on D/O 21 days.
  5. Enhancement: Open the “Use Transaction Account Number for Posting” to those Non-Govt tax code in Malaysia only.
  6. Enhancement: Allow modify date range for GST Instant Info.
  7. Enhancement: Get default sales account for generate GST on Payment.
  8. Fix Bug: Fix unable auto assign AccNo field for import document’s item package.
  9. Enhancement: Modify rounding method for footer amount.
  10. Enhancement: Modify ARAP, GL, Sales and Purchase document rounding method control at form level.
  11. Enhancement: Add MRU to Cash Book Entry and Journal Entry’s Business Name edit, and also add logic to automatic bring out the previous entered Business Reg. No. when the Business Name was matched or use the RegisterNo from Debtor and Creditor if the Company Name was matched to Business Name entered.
  12. Enhancement: Add TaxDate column to Tax Transaction Audit Trail report and remove those SourceType IS NOT NULL transactions from Cash Payment and Cash Receipt.
  13. Enhancement: Add GST on Realized Gain Loss.
  14. Enhancement: Add Recompress GL Transaction ID Trash Form to Studio.
  15. Enhancement: Apply New SerializeGLTransIDTrashSourceData with compress to ARAP and GL.
  16. Fix Bug: Fix unable posting journal from ARAP DN & CN when using inclusive tax.
  17. Enhancement: Add TaxBRNo, TaxBName and TaxRefNo to Cash Book adn Journal Entry dataview.
  18. Enhancement: Add rounding method audit log for ARAP, GL, Sales and Purchase document.
  19. Fix Bug: Fix ExtraDiscountAmt will get negative value if the detail row without item code and sub total is zero.
  20. Fix Bug: Fix knockoff label showing error.
  21. Fix Bug: Fix load outstanding DO partial transfer issue for GST on DO.
  22. Fix Bug: Export Stock Module did not consider Item Package in Purchase Document. (ACC-2830)
  23. Enhancement: Modify update currency rate for CBIGDTL table.
  24. Fix Bug: Fix bug in GetGLTrans where if there is any negative amount in detail row, and there is no more non-tax account row with positive amount to match, the system will enter into an endless loop.
  25. Fix Bug: Fix incorrect comment in LookupEditBuilder.cs.
  26. Enhancement: Support execute only selected text in SQL Query.
  27. Fix Bug: Modify unable to update package master unit price and taxable amount when Import XML.
  28. Enhancement: Change D/O Entry SubTotal(Ex) Summary Type from Average to Custom.
  29. Enhancement: Add TaxBName, TaxBRNo and TaxRefNo to Cash Book in Import XML.
  30. Fix Bug: Fix location not showing value when group by item location at SalesAnalysisByDocument report for POS.
  31. Enhancement: Import Export POS Sales Transaction.
  32. Fix Bug: Fix Zero Currency Rate issue in CBIGDTL table.
  33. Enhancement: Add Group Footer to Ledger report and UCLedger.
  34. Fix Bug: Fix bug in Login form where the previously saved skin does not restored back.
  35. Enhancement: Add Cancelled Status Option for FocQuantityAnalysisByDocument Report.
  36. Fix Bug: When create new account book, do not set UseTodayDateForDefaultKnockOffDate to true.
  37. Fix Bug: Fix strange date like 31/00/2015, and it ask “Do you want to apply default GST logic?” issue.
  38. Enhancement: Apply KeepLastModifiedInfo to some fix and repost functions and remove unused user id parameter.
  39. Fix Bug: Fix bug in Year End Closing’s CheckNegativeBalanceQuantityStock() to check only item with stock control set to true.
  40. Enhancement: Change the exception thrown in CheckSNQtyConsistency() from ContextException.AbortException() to YearEndClosingException and provide a meaningful exception message.
  41. Fix Bug: Fix object reference on PostToStockCosting when ItemUOMTable is null.
  42. Fix Bug: GST payment amount does not deduct purchase tax during perform CIMB online payment. (ACC-2843)
  43. Fix Bug: Fix unable save bank recon issue.
  44. Enhancement: Add tax trans control and audit function.
  45. Fix Bug: Delete A/P Deposit did not delete record in TaxTrans table. (ACC-2838)
  46. Enhancement: Added GST Lampiran 2.
  47. Enhancement: Tax Transaction Changed Tracking report.
  48. Fix Bug: Fix pivotgrid field list cost field not being controlled by view cost access right in Multi Dimensional Sales Analysis.
  49. Fix Bug: Fix very slow when delete an item when the document contains about 600 items.
  50. Fix Bug: Fix a minor bug in CheckTransactionCountValidity().
  51. Enhancement: Add localtaxableamt, taxcurrencytax & taxcurrencytaxableamt field for Sales, Purchase, ARAP & GL document.
  52. Enhancement: Add taxcode field for GLDTL table.
  53. Enhancement: Rename to Tax Transaction Change Tracking report.
  54. Fix Bug: Modify GST Lampiran 2 decimal place.
  55. Fix Bug: Auto assign (OS or OP) tax code for rounding adjustment when must specify tax code.
  56. Fix Bug: Fix post separate discount row for tax transaction.
  57. Fix Bug: Fix post separate discount row and purchase document to imported goods document.
  58. Enhancement: Change Gift Rule credit to Sale Account No.
  59. Enhancement: Enhance Tax Transaction Audit Trail report.
  60. Enhancement: Add Include Outstanding Invoice option at Bad Debt Wizard.
  61. Enhancement: Add Refresh button to Account Maintenance.
  62. Enhancement: Allow double click on Bank Recon record to open in view mode.
  63. Enhancement: Support Ctrl-F to bring up the Find panel in Bank Recon.
  64. Enhancement: Check default sales account and GST control account before process GST Processor.

AutoCount Accounting v1.8
(Last Updated:22/07/2015)

Version Bit) : Download
Version Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8(Last Updated:22/07/2015)
Version Bit) : Download
Version Bit) : Download

AutoCount POS(Last Updated:22/07/2015)
Version: ( Download

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

AutoCount v1.8.014.117 --- Last Updated:03/06/2015

Warning!!! : Please backup before you install the new version. 
If you are not sure how to do it by yourself, please contact your software vendor. 
This action will change of your database structure & software version.

AutoCount Account & Express AutoCount --- Last Updated:03/06/2015

AutoCount Accounting v1.8(Last Updated: 03/06/2015)
Version Bit) : Download
Version Bit) : Download

Express AutoCount v1.8
(Last Updated: 
Version Bit): Download
Version Bit) : Download

AutoCount POS
(Last Updated: 
Version ( : Download

AutoCount USB Server & Backup Server
(Last Updated: 03/06/2015)

AutoCount USB Key Server(version 1.5) : Download
AutoCount Backup Server(version : Download